Exceptional Wall


EBS Makes Premium Design Affordable
Combining cast stone moulding & quoins with architectural precast walls
EBS Makes Cast Stone Moulding Affordable
With foam/PVC/Wood 
Masonry @ $14/sf
EIFS @ $18/sf
Total wall cost with cast stone moulding & quoins
Masonry @ $22/sf  -  EIFS @ $26/sf
Exceptional Wall costs $12/sf
Stucco on Foam
@ avg. $12/lf
Typical Cast Stone
@ avg. $30/lf
Exceptional Cast Stone
@ avg. $7/lf

Total construction costs for 800 lf of moulding on $20,000 stucco wall

EBS’s  precast walls with multi-colored brick/stone, cast stone moulding, insulation & installed -- costs $15/sf
Precast Exceptional Wall costs $15/sf
Conventional brick & wood framed wall costs $20/sf without cast stone moulding and $30/sf with cast stone moulding
Entire conventional exterior wall costs $20/sf
Precast Wall Panels for Any Building Type

For one-half the cost of typical architectural precast

Architectural precast wall panels with brick and cast stone  moulding

We can do this for less than the cost of that - and it will look like this

Precast brick faced Exceptional Wall with cast stone moulding & quoins for less than a plain brick exterior wall built with conventional construction.

EBS’s Special Cast Stone Moulding & Quoins Create Premium Stucco Buildings
Exceptional Wall’s Precast Versatility
Ability to offer wide variety of highly attractive wall finishes at affordable prices

Lowers construction costs & upgrades buildings to create customer value.

Cast Stone Moulding & Quoins Create Premium Brick or Stone Buildings
Including Competing With  Tilt-up
Significant cost advantage for buildings where tilt-up is less cost effective

EBS’s exterior Exceptional Wall includes:

Exterior - Exceptional Wall                   Interior Accent Walls

Framed Architectural Precast Walls
State-of-the-art Materials, Design, Manufacturing & Installation

Wall panels with single or multi-colored wall finish accented by elegant cast stone moulding & quoins

EBS’s comprehensive premium exterior & interior walls for half typical cost

Any wall panel face finish accented by integral mantels, surrounds & moulding


Other Technical Information

Frame Embedded Composite Panel
Based on the discovery that spray polyurethane foam (SPF) applied to a cladding or sheathing and to a frame results in a framed composite panel with the cladding or sheathing and the frame all greatly strengthened similar to how steel rebar reinforces concrete.  This technology applies to both Exceptional Wall and the sloped roof panels.

A frame embedded composite panel means that a panel has both a fixed condition, i.e.  adhesively bonded to frame members, and a continuous condition, i.e. the panel is continuous over the frame members.  Another way of describing it is a continuous panel with a dropped section and fixed to frame members.  Adding a dropped section positions part of the panel against frame member’s sides as well as increases the panel to frame member interface/bonding area.   The more area against the sides and the greater the bond, the less the panel rotation and thereby the greater the stiffness.  Increased bonding area enables using weaker adhesives and/or a much higher degree of a fixed boundary condition. Deeper foam or an interior wallboard prevent the frame members from rotating when a larger load is applied.  

The concept is derived from the imposition of a continuous and fixed boundary conditions found in fundamental beam theory and primarily used basic steel frame construction. 

Increased Impact Resistance
It has been discovered that a cladding and/or sheathing with spray polyurethane foam bonded to its backside has a substantial increase in impact resistance.  This enables either much more durable or thinner/weaker claddings/sheathings to reduce costs.  See Patent #10,392,802.

Increased Frame Strength
It has been discovered that spray polyurethane foam as continuous (exterior) insulation and bonded to a cladding/sheathing and to the studs greatly increases the flexural strength of the studs as compared to the same thickness of foam used in the cavity.  The increase is so great than it enables 24” stud spacing as opposed to 16” stud spacing for cavity only insulation.  See Patent #10,294,668. 

                                   Features & Materials                                              
Finish:   While any cladding material may be used, a fiber reinforced, elastomeric colored stucco cast on a form is the preferred face layer material.  It can be cast with precision 3D printers or simply poured onto an open form.  The panel’s impact resistance is in excess of 300 in-lbs based on ASTM E2486. 

Insulation:   Spray polyurethane foam is used as both cavity and continuous insulation and to bond the panel to a frame.  This results in the most effective insulation available since the walls have no seams and no thermal bridges.  The exterior insulation may be up to 2” thick for a R13.  When only one inch of continuous is combined with cavity insulation, two inches provide R7+6.5 and three inches R13 +6.5 insulation.  

Waterproof:   Typical 2 lb density spray polyurethane foam is also a recognized air barrier, a Class II vapor barrier and a water resistive barrier (WRB) when used as exterior insulation.  Class I impermeable walls can be obtained by using thicker 2 lb density, or a 3 lb density foam or by spraying a layer of resin on the backside of the backer board before applying the spray foam layer.  Spray polyurethane foam has been successfully used as a waterproof roofing system for over 60 years and it is a FEMA approved flood resistant material.   

Condensation, Mold & Mildew:   Condensation may be avoided by simply using a thick enough polyurethane foam insulation to ensure the dew point, for the specific geographical area, is inside the foam.   

Sheathing:  The cast face layer is backed by a fiber reinforced concrete backing layer of .5” or more.  

Fire ratings (optional):   An ASTM E119 one or more hour fire rating may be attained by either insulated fire spacers or a refractory backing layer.  Fire spacers are a smaller, insulated refractory block boned to both the frame and the backing layer and ensures the face/backing layers remain attached to the frame during a fire.  A thicker refractory backing layer will prevent the foam form melting during a fire.. 

Impact & Crack Resistance:   An elastomeric, fiber reinforced panel face backed by a hard backing layer can withstand impacts over 300 in-lbs, over twice the “ultra high” rating of ASTM E2486.  Testing also shows that sprayed polyurethane foam backing more than doubles or triples a panel's impact and crack resistance and is close to that of concrete, although with less cracking due to elastomeric face layer.    

© Copyright 2024 by Exceptional Building Systems, Inc., all rights reserved.

Continuous  section is over the top/front of frame members

Dropped section is between the frame member’s sides.

Patents (see Patents page

of this website).

1.  Discovered New Spray Foam Uses
      Lowers exterior wall’s cost by eliminating materials and labor

 Spray polyurethane foam eliminates 80% of concrete in our precast wall panels 

 Frame embedded in spray foam reinforces the foam and concrete wall face 

 Spray foam strengthens the structural frame - requiring thinner or fewer studs

 Spray foam greatly increases the wall face’s impact resistance

 Embedded ribs provide exponential flexural strength

 Wraps building in structural, protective blanket that can withstand storms & floods

 Self-expanding and self-bonding automates manufacturing
2.  Advanced Concrete Technology
      Develop thinner, stronger & more durable concrete cladding 

Exceptional Wall comprised of:

 .5” ultra high performance concrete cladding with a face & backing layer withstands   
 300+ in-lbs impact (twice “ultra high impact” rating of ASTM E2486)

 Two or more inches of spray polyurethane foam with embedded wall frame

 Foam reinforces cladding/frame for two or more times code strength requirements

 Foam provides both exterior and cavity insulation

 Foam provides air, vapor and moisture barrier

Spray polyurethane foam

             Casting form

Studs embedded  in foam

Backing layer

Face layer

Exceptional Wall

3.  Creating Exceptional Wall
        Merged spray polyurethane foam with EIFS & arch. precast

 Substituted spray polyurethane foam for 6 control layers of EIFS
 Substituted .5” concrete claddings for 4 face/backing layers of EIFS
 Embedded EIFS frame into spray polyurethane foam
 Cast face down on a textured/patterned form similar to architectural precast
4.  New Process for Cast Stone Moulding 

                 Process enables installed cast stone moulding for as little as $4/lf

5.  Robotic 3D Printing Multi-Colored Concrete
            Go to:  3D Printing web-page

6.  Special structural insulated panel (SIP) technology   
          Walls, floor/ceilings & roof/ceilings   

7.  Hi-tech manufacturing process
            Automation lowers labor costs to about $.65/sf of wall panel

8.  Hi-tech handling & installation process
          Advanced robotic/automated systems Multi-Colored.htmlshapeimage_38_link_0
  1. 1. Discovered important new structural uses for spray polyurethane foam

  2. 2. Merged spray foam with architectural precast systems

  3. 3. Capitalized on advancements made in concrete technology

  4. 4. Created robotic, 3D multi-color printing of concrete wall faces

  5. 5. Developed process to inexpensively cast & install cast stone moulding

  6. 6. Special structural insulated panel (SIP) technology

  7. 7. Hi-tech manufacturing system

  8. 8. Hi-tech handling & installation systems

Eight Key Disruptive Innovations
Drives 50% cost reduction
The Technology
Capitalizing on Unique Opportunity
EBS’s new technology lowers cost of premium building walls

Revolutionary building system dramatically lowers cost of attractive architectural precast walls from typical $30 - $50/sf to $9 to $18/sf  

More attractive, durable, stronger, safer & energy efficient 

Exceptionally versatile designs, shapes & configurations

Five days to erect/finish a house’s exterior & interior walls, roof & ceilings 

Advanced materials, equipment & processes

Greatest value in new building construction

Over 20 US Patents lower costs & upgrade buildings
Exceptional Wall Details

Exceptional Wall may be manufactured as a structural insulated panel with both sides factory finished or an open interior side.  Either a concrete, light gauge steel or wood frame is embedded in the polyurethane foam core.

Optional horizontal ribs

Nailable, weatherproof, paint ready, cementitious interior skin

Polyurethane foam core

Integral concrete, wood or steel frame

Architectural UHP concrete face with single or multi-colored brick, stone, stucco, wood or smooth texture

UHP concrete backing layer

Top plate & wiring/conduit not shown

With steel frame

With continuous insulation

With open interior side ready for wiring & wallboard