Other Precast/Prefabricated Panels
Floor/Ceiling Panels
Flat & Sloped Roof Panels
Basement Walls
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2x wall frame with attached ribs and a plastic covering.

Spray polyurethane foam bonds the plastic sheet to the ribs and frame.

Interior Partitions & Party Walls
Siding Boards & Other  Claddings

The patented process may also be used to inexpensively prefabricate walls of siding boards, trim and embedded windows.  The trim and windows are laid face down on a flat surface, surrounded by a jig on which siding boards are also laid face down.  A frame is suspended above and polyurethane foam poured on the backside to expand and bond everything together.  Fast, strong and inexpensive. 

“Lifetime” precast roof panel (materials do not deteriorate over time)
Facilitates conditioned attics, vaulted ceilings & mansard roofs
Wraps roof in a protective blanket
Factory applied exterior & cavity spray foam insulation
More than 500 psf uplift resistance
Part of full suite of innovative structural building panels
Reduces total cost of reinforced concrete buildings by $4 to $6/sf
Facilitates eliminating half the cost of cast-in-place concrete beams
Innovative multi-functional, monolithic quintuple “I” design
Developed process for precasting paint ready, double sided framed walls
More durable than gypsum board walls
Less expensive and superior fire resistance than gypsum board party walls
Nailable and high sound transmission classifications
Facilitates much faster construction